Rebecca Stenberg

Rebecca Stenberg, MN, RN, COHN-S

Occupational Health Program Manager with Environmental Health & Safety at the University of Washington

Rebecca Stenberg, MN, RN, COHN-S, is the occupational health program manager with Environmental Health & Safety at the University of Washington. Her responsibilities include nurse manager for the employee health center, where the occupational health program services are provided. A few of the occupational health programs for which she has nurse oversight include the BSL3 medical surveillance program, Washington National Research Primate center (WaNPRC), department of comparative medicine, school of dentistry, scientific dive program, school of medicine research labs, and the blood borne pathogens exposure program for health sciences students and employees. Rebecca has worked in the field of occupational health nursing for 37 years with experiences in state government, manufacturing, worker’s compensation case management, and other academic research institutions. She received her Bachelor of Science and Master of Nursing degrees from the University of Washington.