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Mary Ann Sondrini, EdM
Executive Director, Eagleson Institute
Mary Ann Sondrini, EdM, has been the Director of the Eagleson Institute, a nonprofit foundation with a mission to globally promote the principles and practices of health and safety in the life sciences community since its inception in 1989. Her responsibilities include overseeing the development and promotion of all Institute activities, including seminars, conferences, DVDs and global mentoring projects. Being a strong believer in the benefits of interactive learning, all programs implement a variety of instructional strategies to keep the learners engaged. Mary Ann has a degree in biology from Williams College and a graduate degree in education with a focus in curriculum development from Harvard School of Education. She has taught numerous courses in the development and presentation of training programs. In 1997, she was the recipient of the Everett Hanel, Jr. Presidential Award given by the American Biological Safety Association for her extensive contributions to that organization.