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Ellyn Segal, PhD
Retired Professional in Biosafety & Biosecurity
Ellyn Segal started as an infectious disease researcher and ended as a professional in Biosafety & Biosecurity. Not uncommonly she did not know what Biosafety actually did while performing as a researcher and subsequently realized that Biosafety professionals often felt the same (in reverse). Using the experience gained from both sides of the fence Ellyn tries to bridge the gaps and assist the leaps and bounds of research with the support that is vital for its success.
Ellyn received her Ph.D. in Genetics and did post-docs at UCSF and Stanford University. She continued at Stanford as a Sr. Research Scientist and subsequently as Biosafety & Biosecurity Manager, where she retired in 2023. She continues with a primary interest in the intersection of new technologies and issues with Biosafety.
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