Ashley Vaughan

Ashley Vaughan, PhD

Ashley has worked with Plasmodium parasites, the causative agents of malaria, since 2007. Ashley’s collaborations with Stefan Kappe and Sebastian Mikolajczak led to the use of human-liver chimeric mice for studying malaria liver stage development. These advances included complete liver stage development and the transition to blood stage parasitemia for the human malarias Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax. Ashley has also used this mouse model for the creation of experimental Plasmodium falciparum genetic crosses, a significant advance that aids in our understanding of Plasmodium falciparum drug resistance. Ashley continues to be fascinated by basic parasite pre-erythrocytic biology and collaborates with investigators worldwide to move research forward. Outside of the lab, he is a keen hiker, cook, traveler, gardener and scuba diver, pastimes he enjoys with and without his husband, Rafael.